Our Vision

Life Without
Diet-Related Disease.

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Dohmen’s 2024 Impact Report

See the Foundation’s key initiatives, groundbreaking progress, and forward-thinking strategies aimed at driving transformative change and creating a healthier future for all.

The Problem

Our nation is sick.
The American diet is to blame.
It doesn’t have to be this way.

We eat too many of the wrong foods and not enough of the right foods.

Ultra-processed foods make up nearly 60% of the American adult diet and nearly 70% of the American child diet.

Only 1 in 10 adults meets the US Dietary Guidelines recommendations for fruits and vegetables.

Dietary risks
Tobacco smoking
High blood pressure
High body mass index
Zero to low physical activity
High fasting plasma glucose
High total cholesterol
Ambient particulate matter pollution
Alcohol use
Drug use
Lead exposure

Poor diet is the leading risk factor for death in the US.

1/5 deaths in America is caused by dietary risks. While food is a primary cause of disease, it can also be the solution to disease prevention.

The diet-related disease epidemic is growing rapidly.

Diagnosed diabetes and obesity estimates in 2004 Diagnosed diabetes and obesity estimates in 2009 Diagnosed diabetes and obesity estimates in 2014 Diagnosed diabetes and obesity estimates in 2019
Source: CDC.gov
2 in 3 U.S. adults are overweight or obese
1 in 3 U.S. children are overweight or obese
1 in 10 Americans have diabetes
4 in 10 Americans have hypertension

Diet-related diseases cost the U.S. more than a trillion dollars each year in direct health care spending and lost productivity. The costs are rising. Despite these alarming figures, the root cause - what people are eating - remains largely unaddressed.


Imagine a Future Where…

  • Ultra-processed foods are recognized for what they are – addictive substances that harm our health.
  • Our food system is transformed, driven by a decreased demand for harmful ultra-processed foods and a growing preference for healthy, whole foods.
  • 60% of Americans with one or more diet-related disease are receiving tailored meals to manage and reverse their chronic condition.
  • Patients can receive a prescription for healthy food through their medical provider, insurance, or employer.
  • Convenient, healthy options are the go-to fast food choice.
  • Fresh produce is accessible regardless of one’s zip code.
  • Every child in the nation has access to food education and nutritious school meals.
This envisioned future is within our reach.

Solving the Problem

Fixing the broken food system.


Accessibility to fresh, whole, delicious food is the answer to our nation’s greatest public health threat. Food, the very thing that's making us sick, can become our prescription to health.


Knowledge is power and is key to reclaiming our nation’s health. Awareness of food’s impact on health is cornerstone to mobilize a national movement necessary to advance systemic food system improvement.

Our Approach

The Dohmen Company Foundation advances its vision of life without diet–related diseases through three strategic pillars – 1) Grant Making, 2) Impact Investing, and 3) Research and Public Awareness.

Grant Making

Investing in proven ways to prevent and reverse diet-related disease via charitable partners with an aligned mission.
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Impact Investing

Investing in for-profit social businesses aligned with our vision that are in need of capital to scale and grow proven food solutions.
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Research & Public Awareness

Advancing food as the most efficient and effective means to prevent and reverse diet-related disease through public awareness and education initiatives.
Public Campaign