Join us in the movement

You can make a positive difference in advancing a healthier food system through your purchasing power. An increase in demand for produce and other healthy food options will transform our nation’s food supply for the better.

Here are some simple ways that you can help advance a healthier you and nation:

Reduce Your Ultra-Processed Food Consumption

Read nutrition labels. If there are ingredients that you don’t recognize or can’t pronounce, put the product down. Find a healthier alternative. There are several digital apps that can help you find the right food products based on your unique health status and dietary preference.

Increase Your Produce Intake

Fruits and vegetables are the best medicine. Buying local, such as at farmer’s markets or grocery stores that partner with local farmers, will help ensure that the produce is at peak nutritional value.

Reclaim Your Health

If you have one or more diet-related disease, seek out a high-quality, Food-Is-Medicine solution, such as medically tailored meals, medically tailored groceries, and produce prescriptions.

Ask your provider or health plan if you are eligible to enroll in a solution near you.

Engage Your Local School District in Advancing a Food Education Program

FoodCorps provides all its lesson plans to the general public:

Assess the Nutritional Profile of Your Local School District's Meals

If the standards include refined starches, excessive added sugar, preservatives, and other ultra-processed ingredients, start a conversation on what it might take to reduce reliance on ultra-processed food in your local schools.

A future of life without diet-related disease is within our reach. Your participation in this movement is essential to advance the system change necessary to attain that vision. Join us for the benefit of your health, the health of the nation, and for future generations.